Rail line alphabet book Tokyo
東京の路線図からアルファベットの形を抽出し再構成しました。 I redesigned the railway map of Tokyo by extracting as alphabet shapes. The concept of book design is an accordion book referring the image of the connection of the rail line. I aimed at combining the humanism and minimalism, in other words, the combination of two different elements, to express its “CITY” complexity. The cover is a hard image in black and white, and the body is soft which used gentle-textured paper in full color printing. First printing: September, 2013 Second printing: February, 2014 Design: Fuyuki Hashizume Publishing: Pleiades & Grass Press Book making: Kobayashi-Dansai co., ltd. Printing: Toppan printing co., ltd. NY TDC 60th Certificate of Typographic Excellence / NY Type Directors Club / United States NY TDC 60th / 入賞 / ニューヨークタイプディレクターズクラブ / アメリカ